Mindy Schumacher – Artist Feature

“I originally drew the snail and mushroom design for my daughter, and it has stood the test of time, “ says Mindy Schumacher, the artist behind Follysome Prints. Ingebretsen’s carries Follysome’s appealing snail and mushroom pin, along with block-print tea towels, stickers, and jewelry. The pin’s folks-style line drawing grew from time spent with Mindy’s… More Mindy Schumacher – Artist Feature

D is for Duodji

Anessa Andersland is the guest writer for this post. Anessa is the North American marketing agent for  ČálliidLágádus / Authors’ Publisher, a Sámi  publishing company. She helps coordinate our annual Sámi Day at Ingebretsen’s, which is this coming Saturday. In this post, she will explain some of what you’ll see there.  Duodji (doy – gee): the Sámi name… More D is for Duodji

Ingebretsen’s – A Perfect Backdrop for Norwegian Television

NRK Sápmi Reporter Berit Solveig Gaup fits SSNA Chair John Edward Xavier with a handmade Sami tie while NRK Sápmi photographer Vanja Ulfsnes tapes the goings on. With thanks to our guest blogger, Anessa Andersland… In February, Ingebretsen’s was host to the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) and the Sámi Siida of North America. NRK Sápmi… More Ingebretsen’s – A Perfect Backdrop for Norwegian Television