Scandinavian Folklore and Folktales #2: The Girl Who Could Spin Gold

One of the most popular folktale is the one about Rumplestilskin. It was made famous as a story by the Grimm Brothers. But as with most folktales, there are versions from many different countries – they are put in a category called “Name of the Helper” by University of Pittsburgh’s Folk and Fairy-Tale Site. In… More Scandinavian Folklore and Folktales #2: The Girl Who Could Spin Gold

Happy Birthday Elsa Beskow

Happy 145th birthday to Elsa Beskow. Elsa Beskow was one of Sweden’s best-loved writer and illustrator of children’s books. “For over one hundred years Swedish children have grown up with her books. Her illustrations take the reader back to an idyllic Sweden at the turn of the last century. Elsa Beskow’s books transcend nationality and… More Happy Birthday Elsa Beskow