Twined Knitting Class

Learn the basics of tvåändsticking (Swedish two-ended/twined knitting) and begin a pair of cuffs or fingerless mitts. Two-ended knitting is a traditional Swedish knitting technique dating back to at least the 1600s. It uses two yarn ends, creating a dense, warm, double-knitted fabric. Students will learn how to knit and purl with the two-ended technique and start a pair of cuffs or fingerless mitts (a pattern will be provided for both) that are warm and extremely durable. This class is for more advanced knitters—those who know how to knit, purl, and work on double-pointed needles. Students will learn the technique but not finish the project in class. 

Saturday, March 29, from 12:00 to 3:30pm

Students need to bring:
• U.S. size 3, 4, or 5 double-pointed needles (about 7 inches long) to get a gauge of approx. 5.5 sts to the inch with a worsted weight yarn using a standard stockinette stitch. If you are a tight knitter, try size 4 or 5 needles and loose knitters could lean toward size 3 or 4. (available in-store)!
• Small stitch holder to hold thumb stitches
• Standard supplies, like scissors, tape measure, etc.
Rauma Mitu yarn-one skein for a pair of cuffs, and two for a pair of mittens. 
(NOTE: The student MUST know how to knit on double-pointed needles. There will be no time in class to teach that technique!)
Materials may be purchased at Ingebretsen’s with a 10% class discount!

Wendy J. Johnson is a fiber arts author (Yarnworks: How to spin, dye, and knit your own yarn), knitting designer, and fiber arts presenter and instructor based in Minnesota. She first fell in love with twined knitting techniques at a national knitting conference workshop and has since visited the Tvåändstickning (Two-Ended Knitting) archives at the Dalarnas Museum in Falun, Sweden, and has taught and designed with the technique for nearly 15 years. Wendy’s joy is in researching and sharing the history and techniques of Swedish fiber arts. She is currently a teacher at Ingebretsen’s, the American Swedish Institute (where she received the ASI Teaching Tools Grant for 2022-2023), Weavers’ Guild of Minnesota, Plymouth Parks & Recreation, and the Three Rivers Park District (Gale Woods educational farm). You can learn more about Wendy at her website:

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