Raven Rings #1 Odin's Child - Paperback

First in The Raven Rings trilogy,
by Siri Pettersen, Norway.
translated by Sian Mackie and Paul Russell Garrett.
An original Norwegian epic fantasy. At age 15 Hirka learns she is an Odin's child, a tailless rot from another world. When she's summoned to the Rite, can she keep her secret? Rime, the ultimate insider, is destined to join the council that rules over Ym, but he learn the truth about Hirka, and it brings everything into question. Urd is tyrannical, conniving and cruel, and wants the power of being on the Council. These three create an epic clash of xenophobia, blind faith and the right or will to lead. The fates of Hirka, Rime, and Urd become inextricably bound together as every day brings them closer to the Rite, and perhaps to the end of Ym itself. 
Now in Paperback, 608pp. 2013/Eng2022 
